Winchester’s CPU
Как вы уже знаете, появились невзламываемые (на данный момент) приставки — Winchester. А теперь посмотрим, что в них нового и насколько сложно их будет «офрибутить».
Речь пойдёт только про CPU. Хоть изменениям подверглись и Southbridge и некоторые другие элементы системы, роль этих модификаций незначительна.
Сравним со старым:
Видно, что вместо двух кристаллов теперь один, да и конденсаторов на плате нет. Но только ли в этом различия? Сравним площадки под процами!!
Как можно заметить, количество ног у старого и нового процессоров отличается! Было 34 * AP, а стало 30 * AK
Это означает, что заменить процессор на старый не получится, изменили распиновку.
Кроме того, можно предположить расположение POST_BUS:
Уверен, после нашей предыдущей статьи, за которой последовало производство Postfix Adapter, разработчики Xbox 360 засунули post_out1 куда подальше. Возможно, получится создать postfix и для далеких шаров, но представить, как будут производить такую загогулину, я не могу 🙂
Ага, восстанавливать дорожки вручную. Правда, я не знаю, какая именно точка нам нужна… И в связи с тем, что я наконец получил новую материнку, возникает вопрос.
Кто из москвичей сможет провести такую процедуру, как показана выше на фото??
Да усложнили задачку, ничего не скажешь. может кто «проренгенит» его и выяснится что точки куда нибудь все таки вывели…
уже выяснили, что никуда не вывели. вот не понимаю, почему забросили плату привода, почему с неё нельзя считать ключ и записать его в LTU2???
значит это просто кому-то не надо +) (теория всемирного заговора)…
китайцам это не нужно похоже, TX тем более. А у Ричи желания или времени нет заниматься приводом.
LTU2 необходимы данные из NAND, а они ключом проца зашифрованы. Данные из привода не годятся. Попробуйте поставить LTU2 плату вместо D4S, имея лишь данные с привода.
Даже если будет способ чтения привода, нужно новую прошивку делать. И это я уж точно не осилю
I wonder what will become of this.
VIVA LA U.R.S.S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
а плату прсверлить под нужный шар не прокатит ???
И повредить внутренние переходы, дорожки, слои? Или, чего хуже, процессор? Хм. Всё равно забавная идея) Может даже верная! Вспоминая сверление процев привода, не удивлюсь, если и тут заюзают
не факт что там под шарами что то есть в плате в том месте , и зачем выводить весь пост если раньше хватало одного контакта
реболл всё равно для большинства не покатит
Агась. Вот только какой контакт, я не знаю. И чтоб узнать, надо вывести все и посмотреть
Будет весь фрибут через реболл проца делаться)Пойду доставать свою икашку из кладовки
Кстати сделать такое смогу.Только я из Томска.Отправляйте почтой плату.
TX hill thread
They were frightened by the Russian machinery
hardly lold from that thread, butthurt everywhere
they learned the great work and closed the issue hackfaq
They are showing that they are afraid that they lost control of the scena xbox
They’re still on edge 🙂 I’m alone and have no much time for research.
Как обстановка с исследованием платы Винчестера ???
А зачем все восемь постов выводить ? Для RGH-хака достаточно было одного. Может он с краю остался.
А ты знаешь какой конкретно нужен? Это нужно ричи разово для анализа.
Do you know anything about the guy who took out the CPU and soldered the missing tracks?
Anyway, it is strange, the south bridge is the same KSB type like with previous corona boards, so it did not change — that means the hardware controlling the CPU is very similar / same. I see less capacitors on the voltage regulators (probably because the current load is less with this probably 28nm or 32nm new CPU) — but the connections seem to be the same. Probably the SMC is programmed differently as well.
How can they test the boards when it’s all built and done if they have no means of accessing the POST codes? (if they really moved it back from the side of the CPU) If the post codes are not available but some bit is still there in the first row then all that is needed is to sample the change of the lowest available bit, and try to approximate the exact time when the reset pulse is needed based on what’s available. I do not think they could have completely re-architected the cpu so that the hardware bug that RGH uses is fixed. So it must be the same but with different current / voltage requirements, but operating frequencies, boot order, etc all must be the same as with corona. If I’d have the means I’d try to attack / measure it out.
Anyway, let’s put our hopes in the more motivated people for now.
Testing might be done without post bus at all (for example, with UART line). Also, it seems, posts were totally disabled 🙁 (check the latest topic)
Приставки 500гб с фифой15 на борту — ST+Samsung, делаются за 5 минут.
this does not means anything. there are 500gb boxes with corona boards everyone knows that. it’s your luck if you get one or not. I even had one now which was 500gb + fifa 15, corona + samsung ram. no big deal. the question is what the fuck to do with winchester boards. that’s all.
Ask team TX about this (:
Yeah, the godly TX, cant care to give a fcuk for their expensive stuff really. It works fine but way too expensive.
I cant believe that someone for this comment banned my account on the tx forum + banned my IP as well 🙂 you are such cry babies I cant even tell. Feeling insulted for this? (what did I wrote? cant care to give a fcuk for their expensive stuff — works fine but way too expensive) — what is so insulting in this? OMG.
And I wondered what the heck happened to the TX site as it would not load for days. Of course good old VPN’s and proxies are always here to help for the «banned». Not that I have many use for the site anyway, anymore. I don’t
This stupid behaviour of banning someone for expressing their opinion like this means one thing: You guys who run the forums are way too sensible. You should get laid or something this is a douchebag kinda behavior. Anyway have fun
Also thanks 15432 for giving my IP address out to these pricks (and then running a search in the vbulletin admin for the IP). Or if you banned me yourself, thanks for that as well. Good job.
And to think that I even sent you some money for the winbond solution (that the cry baby TX guys could not care to share for months!!!) — and now I am banned for expressing my opinion on your site 🙂 What dicks.
Richy, I see TX is getting really idiotic on their forums. Now I see they might have banned my acc because of a month or even older comment about their procastination in regards to the wb2kb solution you provided .
Now they are getting bogged down to slap you and getting excited in giving you shit. It is all about the money for them now, it is sure as hell. No fun, just cash and also trying to guard their hard earned what? respect? knowledge? eh.
If their products would be so good. I had at least 2 demon chips faulty by default from a wad of 50. Had many problems with their r-jtag (v1.0 -> 1.1 fiasco for zephyr), and had one slim proto come unprogrammed from a stack of 10. This fault rate is a bit high — with the other chips from hongkong (matrix, dgx, ace) the fault rate is much less, though the price is much less as well.
I don’t get why they are getting so fired up with people getting fed up with waiting for their shit. True, they do owe us nothing, although they earn some cash from us, so in a way, they do owe us something, or why not just leave the scene altogether and fuck it all.
This behavior of theirs going on a banning wave on their site for some not really offending text is like a 5 year old child who does not get his toy puppy in time.
In a way I like how it turned out. At least I know their true colors now.
Not that most (any) of the modders are any better though.
i think OGGY hav problem at his brain or they not feel good because last 5 month they start ban more also customer like me that support they from 2006 until now
read here
they also call my company scammers ITA360,this is lies coz me is the best honest in my country and all know in italy i hav more than 4000 follower and 100% all feedback.
360 Motherboard Winchester when you get bit in the structure of this torture we’re open rGH will I get food or cables
save us…………….
spagocci, ma sei sempre a spammare ovunque con le tue cazzate?
ma sei proprio dappertutto cazzo!!
Richy, can u contact me, i need talk to u about winchesters, we r make some tests here.
not be this way, each pcb is your cpu key and always 32 characters, a key specifies to achieve cr bin and key bin with ha nand Rentai to ltu2 suddenly a program that would do this by playing several letters and numbers up to hit like a lottery there vo concegueria do lTU without shel that’s not the Winchesters
XT fits inept team